Markets and strategy

Tecan is a pioneer and market leader in laboratory automation and a healthcare enabler. The company is improving people’s lives and health by empowering customers to scale healthcare innovation globally. Tecan enables customers to scale their innovation, whether in laboratory workflows for life science research, various applied markets and diagnostics or in product development and manufacturing for the medical market. Tecan delivers this broad range of healthcare products and services, directly to end users or with OEM partners.

We live in the century of biology, where an explosion of scientific knowledge is revolutionizing the possibilities for healthcare. New diagnostic tests and medical treatments, including precision and preventative medicine, are being developed to combat cancer, rare and hereditary diseases, metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders, and other significant health challenges.


At the same time, the modern world is facing multiple challenges. A growing and rapidly aging population, and an increasing prevalence of complex disease like cancer, not to mention the persistence of infectious disease. A shortage of skilled labor compounds the pressure on already strained healthcare systems, which further limits the accessibility of healthcare innovations to the broad, global population.


With its expertise, Tecan has the opportunity to accelerate the evolution of research applications and to scale healthcare innovation for the broader, global population.


Tecan empowers customers in academia, biotech and pharma, clinical diagnostics and the medical market, enabling them to understand the biology of diseases and translate research insights into compliant, scalable solutions that improve people’s lives and health.


The Company serves some customers directly, but is also a leader in developing and manufacturing OEM instruments, components and modules that are distributed by partner companies. These are for example diagnostics companies that market the products under their own names as total solutions together with the relevant test kits.


These two segments, the Life Sciences Business (end-customer business) and Partnering Business (OEM business) complement each other and achieve a position that is unique in such depth on the market. Tecan can offer the complete spectrum for different customer groups, from benchtop devices for basic research to sample-to-result solutions for in-vitro diagnostics companies to modules and systems for surgical robotics and personal testing devices for medical technology companies. This puts Tecan in a unique position to combine insights from basic research with the requirements for solutions for routine clinical use.


The life science research area is highly innovative and is where most new technologies are developed and initially employed as a matter of routine. Traditionally Tecan has a strong position in life science research thanks to its own end-customer business, covering a broad range of applications with modular and configurable instrument platforms.


Many of these technologies here also have great potential for diagnostic application. In the last few years, for example, next-generation sequencing has proved to be of great benefit, such as in identifying inheritable diseases, in cancer diagnostics or in non-invasive prenatal diagnostics.


New types of tests are normally carried out after an initial transition to diagnostic application, at first in large or special laboratories. As demand rises and the processing of many samples is centralized in a small number of locations, automation solutions are mostly required to scale up throughput. As in life science research, most individual work steps of a workflow are separately optimized and carried out in succession. As lab developed tests, the test procedures are internally developed and validated by the laboratories in this regulated market segment. The application is scaled and industrialized. Tecan has already gained significant experience in new types of technologies and can now make this available to clinical testing laboratories. Through its Life Sciences Business, Tecan often has application-specific platforms that are approved for use in the regulated area. For example, the Fluent Gx platform variant has been successfully registered as a Class I medical device in the US. Its specific functionalities facilitate greater process security, traceability of samples and stricter user management.


Two synergistic business segments are leveraging common hard- and software platforms


Strong market fundamentals provide solid foundation for growth 


Traditionally, Tecan’s two main markets were life science research and diagnostics. The acquisition of Paramit Corporation in 2021 further extended Tecan’s position in solutions for life sciences and in-vitro diagnostics (IVD). It also added a new business vertical in the attractive and fast-growing market for medical devices. The structure of these end markets plus the focus on the core applications of genomics, protein analysis and cell analysis form the basis of the corporate strategy. It follows three vectors to ensure sustainable profitable growth. The Paramit acquisition added a vector 4 and 5.


Research and development as well as the Operations division are organized across the Group in order to better leverage synergies through various locations.



The addressable market for Tecan in life science research is valued at around USD 5 billion and is growing at an annual rate of 3% to 5%. Some two-thirds of sales come from instruments and about a third from reagents. Tecan’s modular automation platforms, detection devices, reagents, consumables and digitalization solutions enable experimentation at scale, supporting academic research, pharma and biotech. These products and services make laboratory workflows robust, reproducible and precise.


Leading provider of lab automation and OEM solutions for key applications

Laboratory automation, a field in which Tecan is active in mainly with the Life Sciences Business, is an important market segment within life science research. Around 60% of the Life Sciences Business segment revenues are generated in life science research. Looking at the product groups, the Liquid Handling & Robotics category generates over USD 1.6 billion of the total revenue in this market segment with the initial systems, with approximately three- quarters of this revenue coming from automated liquid handling systems and robotics.

It also represents the largest product area for instruments at Tecan. Through the Partnering Business, Tecan also supplies other vendors in this market with off-the-shelf or custom components and platforms for life science instruments.

The market for Tecan-branded detection instruments, another sub-segment of lab automation, accounts for more than USD 0.6 billion.

Tecan also added new capabilities in its Partnering Business to further strengthen the customer offering for life sciences research through contract development and manufacturing — illustrated by vector 4. Engineering as well as cost-competitive manufacturing capabilities open up new opportunities for a whole variety of benchtop size life science research instruments. These could be systems for genome mapping and sequencing, molecular antibody characterization, multiplex biomarker detection, single-cell imaging, multiplex gene expression analysis and many more areas. In total, about 20% of the Partnering Business segment revenues are generated in life science research.


The total addressable market for Tecan in in-vitro diagnostics is valued at around USD 5 billion and is comparable to the life science research market in terms of the average annual growth rate. Tecan supports clinical diagnostics labs doing translational research to convert scientific discoveries into validated lab-developed diagnostic tests (LDT). The company’s expertise in the development of reagents, automation and software enhances the efficiency, accuracy and traceability of their procedures, while its knowledge of quality and regulatory affairs ensures compliance, easing the transition of applications from research to the clinical environment. Tecan empowers these customers with both Tecan-branded and OEM solutions.


The market structure in general is dominated by the share of sales generated by diagnostics companies through the sale of reagents and consumables. These recurring sales make up about 80% of the market volume, while the remaining 20% of sales are generated with instruments.



Leading provider from components, point-of-care to fully integrated clinical analyzers

The instruments in the in-vitro diagnostics market are only partly developed and produced by the diagnostics companies themselves, with an increasing share being outsourced to specialists such as Tecan. In this sub-sector of the market segment, which has a value of about USD 3.5 billion, Tecan supplies diagnostics companies with automation solutions through its Partnering Business segment. Customers then market these instruments under their own names, combined with their own reagents as a total solution, such as hospitals, major diagnostics laboratories and blood banks. Tecan also provides components, product and system development, as well as design and manufacturing services to accelerate time-to-market for breakthrough innovations that enable new sample-to-answer workflows. Lab diagnostics is accounting for around 30% of segment sales in the Partnering Business.

In its Life Sciences Business segment, Tecan sells open automation platforms, mainly to major diagnostics and genetic testing laboratories. Overall, slightly more than one third of sales in the Life Sciences Business are generated in regulated markets such as clinical diagnostics.

For example, the Fluent Gx platform variant was developed for the automation of laboratory workflows in regulated markets. Here Fluent can be used for applications such as high throughput nucleic acid purification, quantification and normalization or as a scalable solution for PCR amplification. In the US, it is registered as a Class I medical device.

Tecan also offers detection devices that are used for absorbance-, fluorescence- and luminescence-based clinical immuno-assays.

Also in this market, Tecan participates in the aftermarket with reagents for specialty diagnostics, functional consumables for mass spectrometry, and again consumables like pipette tips. As in-vitro diagnostics is a highly regulated market, the consumables become part of the overall validated solution.

ELISA technology is such an example of a popular application, which is used to determine specialty diagnostic parameters, such as evidence of rare infectious diseases or to verify certain hormone levels. In this specialty diagnostics area, Tecan is offering a portfolio of test kits as well as dedicated automation platforms.

Tecan expanded the total addressable market for diagnostic instruments with capabilities around smaller near-patient or point-of-care testing devices. These are for example systems for performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE), flowthrough hybridization, molecular diagnostics and digital pathology.


The addressable market of medical mechatronics products represents a significant opportunity of around USD 14 billion, thereby more than doubling Tecan’s original total addressable market through the acquisition of Paramit Corporation in 2021. Tecan provides contract design, development and manufacturing services for a broad set of medical devices. Similar to diagnostics, Tecan also helps OEM customers in MedTech overcome specific challenges, and can even take on entire projects, from design through to manufacturing. There are numerous similarities and synergies among life science research, clinical practice, and the medical field. Medical mechatronics is an adjacent market that intersects with life science and diagnostic technologies, offering potential for synergies and manufacturing efficiencies.

Approximately one third of sales in the Partnering Business segment are now generated in the medical mechatronics end market.


Leveraging same or similar technical, manufacturing and regulatory competences


Tecan covers a large number of different application areas thanks to its two segments of Life Sciences Business and Partnering Business. Special focus is placed on four applications to achieve continued growth that outstrips the market average. Particularly strong growth drivers form the basis of them:


  • Genomics
  • Protein analysis, particularly workflows of mass spectrometry
  • Cell and tissue analysis
  • Medical mechatronics

The first three applications are generally used across life science research as well as in in-vitro diagnostics. As screenings of genomic, proteomic, cellular and tissue assays have grown in sensitivity, breadth and sophistication, so have Tecan’s underlying technology portfolio and product lines. A rationale driving researchers and clinical partners towards Tecan is its overarching integration of modular hardware and software building blocks across a variety of end applications. The company has pioneered the development and deployment of sophisticated architectures and libraries that can be configured rapidly and optimized for specific use cases.


Medical mechatronics is an adjacent market that intersects with life science and diagnostic technologies and products share many commonalities from a high content of robotic technologies and custom electronics to the regulated nature of the end market.


The modular hardware and software building blocks, product commonalities as well as the company’s regulatory and operational expertise allows Tecan to help customers translate research insights into compliant clinical solutions and at the same time serve a diverse set of customers in a variety of end applications. This position puts Tecan in the center of dynamic healthcare ecosystems.



Tecan in the center of dynamic healthcare ecosystems


Genomics is the systematic analysis of the genome, e.g. a cell, tissue, organ or complete organism. A genome is the complete DNA sequence of an organism, including all its genes. Genomics is a fundamental application in life science research and is increasingly used in diagnostics.


Since 2020, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) became one of the most powerful weapons in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. It provides a fast, specific and very sensitive way to detect invading pathogens, even when they are present in extremely low numbers.


The whole genomics market has grown to around USD 17 billion. The addressable market in genomics for Tecan is approximately USD 4 billion. On average, this application segment is expected to grow at a mid single-digit rate in the mid-term. However, some sub-segments, such as next-generation sequencing (NGS), are developing at a faster pace, with growth rates ranging from high single-digits to low double-digits. These sub-segments, valued at around USD 600 million, are key focus areas for Tecan.


NGS workflows are composed of multiple complex steps, most of which need to be performed prior to loading samples in the actual sequencer. The crucial step prior to sequencing is library preparation, which is a particularly attractive market segment and a focus of Tecan’s area of work. There are also growing needs in handling small volume samples and preparing libraries, especially when derived from challenging clinical samples. But even with other work steps of the various genomics workflows, starting with the basic step of DNA extraction, Tecan is well positioned.

Also, genomic needs in precision and personalized medicine, companion diagnostics, fast and sensitive multiplexed assays are a big growth driver. Increasingly, NGS for example is used for liquid biopsies to detect minimal residual disease in patients, monitor cancer recurrence, or their response to a specific treatment, simply by checking for tumor DNA (cfDNA) in the patients’ blood.


We are integral to the liquid biopsy ecosystem


We are enabling mass spec sample prep and spatial biology


Cells are independent biological functional units and the starting point for many studies. Biological processes can be understood and clarified at cellular level thanks to cell analysis. Researchers offer trials a more realistic model with cells or groups of cells, even so-called organoids, for transferring findings on organisms. For example, cell assays are increasingly used to develop new targeted drugs.


The overall cell and tissue analysis market is estimated to be around USD 28 billion, with an average growth rate in the mid single-digit percent range. Tecan's addressable portion of this market is valued at approximately USD 3 billion. Tecan's focus on higher-growth areas represents about 10%, or USD 300 million, of the overall market, with these segments growing at average rates in the high single-digits.


In cell analysis, Tecan offers innovative detection and imaging solutions, but also a broad portfolio of automation solutions for different work steps. Cell lines and primary cells are widely used for the production of cell-derived biomolecules, as well as for cell-based assays. For example, Tecan provides sophisticated, modular automation solutions from 2D and 3D cell cultures with cloning, transfection and colony picking to the point of cell-based assays and cellular analysis. In 2023, Tecan launched the Uno Single Cell Dispenser™, a compact, automated benchtop instrument that delivers single cell isolation and reagent dispensing in one system.


Through its Partnering Business, Tecan also supplies leading diagnostics companies in the areas of tissue analysis for cancer diagnostics, flow cytometry and other applications.


We are driving progress in 3D and single-cell workflows


For a description of the addressable market of medical mechatronics products, please refer to the information in the previous section.



Attractive market of USD 14 bn with CAGR in the HSD


Megatrends are long-term transformation processes that depict far-reaching social and technological changes. The markets in which Tecan is active are positively influenced by a number of megatrends. They also result in increased sample volume and a significant rise in diagnostic tests as well as surgical procedures and other medical interventions that are carried out. This requires higher levels of productivity. The tests and procedures must be reproducible and accurate, the processes standardized and robust. Strict regulatory standards must also be complied with. Tecan has systematically focused its corporate strategy on these markets and requirements and can therefore obtain significant benefits from these transformation processes.


We’re speeding discovery and increasing clinical impact


Our strategy is designed to address global megatrends


Positive effects on Tecan

Population growth and the aging population

Many diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, are more prevalent in old age. Around the world, significant sums are being invested in the development of innovative drugs, medical devices and surgical procedures to improve treatments. Numerous novel drugs were approved in recent years, many of which are based on previously unused modes of action. The total volume of diagnostic tests that enable diseases to be identified is increasing and more tests are being carried out per person.


Increased demand for innovative medical devices: These same underlying trends also increase the demand for medical devices such as cardiovascular controllers, home hemodialysis systems, patient monitoring and telemedicine devices or for surgical robots that make surgeries more effective and less invasive.


Shortage of skilled labor: As the baby boomer generation retires and cannot be fully replaced, coupled with high staff turnover rates, there is a growing shortage of skilled workers, which in turn is driving increased demand for automation.


As many diseases are being treated with increasing success, people are living longer, which in turn increases the demand for automated solutions in diagnostic testing and medical devices, such as those used for patient monitoring after cancer surgery, including minimal residual disease (MRD) testing. 

Development of targeted pharmaceuticals and innovative surgical procedures

The growing use of personalized medicine means that the biomolecular constitutions of individual patients are increasingly taken into account, allowing targeted drugs to be deployed. Tecan supports research into characteristic biological features (biomarkers) and the discovery of new molecules with automation solutions. Tecan solutions are also being used in companion diagnostics.

Through its Partnering Business, Tecan also participates in medical market segments like robotic surgery and cardio-vascular controllers.

An explosion of knowledge in the field of biological correlations and molecular processes – using these findings in applied markets

Life science research is coming up with new findings at an ever quicker pace. These are being increasingly used not only in drug development and human diagnostics, but also in numerous applied markets.

Some examples: In forensics, criminals are being convicted based on DNA profiling. The same techniques and procedures used in human diagnostics are being employed in diagnostics for farm animals. In the food industry, special products are being developed that counteract disorders of the intestinal flora. In these laboratories too, state-of-the-art automation solutions from Tecan improve efficiency.

Digitalization of processes, including AI, and increased regulatory complexity

The growing demand for automation is supported by an increasing digitalization of the laboratory and clinical environments, enabling new approaches for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring.

Tecan is a key innovator in digital solutions, both in terms of user interface and laboratory connectivity.

The ever increasing regulatory complexity in clinical and medical markets requires more assistance with quality systems management or process validation, regulatory advice or enterprise risk management – an area Tecan is recognized as a global leader in quality and regulatory affairs.


Technology trends


Tecan’s success is based on core competences that the Company has systematically acquired and expanded over the years. Tecan’s core competence was built around the automation of complex processes in life science research laboratories and in the strictly regulated diagnostics market. This overall competence is enabled by core capabilities, including robotics, optics, complex electronics, fluidics, regulatory expertise, systems integration, and scalable high-integrity manufacturing, as well as expertise in individual aspects of an application's typical processes. In robotics, Tecan is the market leader in the automation of very diverse repetitive work steps that have to be conducted in laboratories. Its core competences cover both instruments and the software packages needed for their operation as well as a growing digital ecosystem for laboratories, for example cloud-based software solutions that enable the connectivity of instruments. 


Tecan has established a leading open digital ecosystem that is currently deployable in laboratories, serving as a key differentiator and delighting our customers in numerous ways. Leveraging hardware and software modularity, Tecan swiftly adapts to market trends and dynamics while capitalizing on competences across both the Life Sciences and Partnering Business segments. This modular portfolio enables the sharing of hardware and software between divisions, applicable in both regulated and non-regulated environments. The inherent modularity facilitates rapid market entry with new solutions, minimizing financial and risk burdens, which is advantageous for our product development and appealing to our Partnering Business clients. At the core of this capability is our software architecture, MAPlinx, which supports workflows in genomics, proteomics, and cell and tissue analysis, and accommodates a wide range of hardware configurations — from point-of-care devices to complex, fully integrated lab automation systems. This comprehensive approach spans the continuum from research to highly regulated IVD applications. Additionally, Tecan's expertise in digital solutions is transforming our service model from fix-and-repair to prevention, prediction, and remote service and repair. Our extensive software solutions for fleet management, initially launched in the Life Sciences Business division, are increasingly attracting clients in the regulated diagnostic solutions sector of the Partnering Business. Furthermore, our unique lab orchestration platform enhances lab productivity by integrating Tecan products with third-party and competitive offerings.


Enables nimble response to market needs from research to clinical