Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
| Notes | 2022 | 2023 |
CHF 1,000 |
Profit for the period |
| 121,126 | 132,075 |
Other comprehensive income |
Change in fair value of an unquoted equity instrument designated |
| 201 | (68) |
Remeasurement of net defined benefit liability | 12.3 | 30,502 | (28,442) |
Related income taxes |
| (5,737) | 5,265 |
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, net of income taxes |
| 24,966 | (23,245) |
Translation differences |
| 9,640 | (104,424) |
Related income taxes |
| (915) | 7,676 |
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss, net of income taxes |
| 8,725 | (96,748) |
Other comprehensive income, net of income taxes |
| 33,691 | (119,993) |
Total comprehensive income for the period, attributable to owners of the parent |
| 154,817 | 12,082 |
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