- The Stories
- Investor Relations
- Corporate Governance
- Financial Report 2022
- Chief financial officer’s report
- Five-year consolidated data
- Consolidated financial statements
- Notes to the consolidated financial statements
- 1 Reporting entity
- 2 Summary of significant accounting policies
- 3 Scope of consolidation
- 4 Sales – Revenue from contracts with customers
- 5 Sales – Income from operating lease arrangements (group as lessor)
- 6 Segment information
- 7 Operating expenses by nature
- 8 Research and development
- 9 Other operating result
- 10 Financial result
- 11 Earnings per share
- 12 Employee benefits
- 13 Income taxes
- 14 Cash and cash equivalents
- 15 Other current financial assets
- 16 Trade accounts receivable
- 17 Inventories
- 18 Non-current financial assets
- 19 Property, plant and equipment
- 20 Right-of-use assets (group as lessee)
- 21 Intangible assets and goodwill
- 22 Financial liabilities
- 23 Contract liabilities
- 24 Government grants
- Statutory Auditor´s Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements
- Balance sheet of Tecan Group Ltd.
- Income statement of Tecan Group Ltd.
- Notes to the financial statements of Tecan Group Ltd.
- 1 Reporting entity
- 2 Summary of significant accounting policies
- 3 Investments in subsidiaries
- 4 Bond
- 5 Provision for general business risks
- 6 Shareholders’ equity
- 7 Gain on sale of financial investments
- 8 Number of employees
- 9 Number of shares and share options
- 10 Guarantees in favor of third parties
- 11 Liabilities from lease arrangements not included in the balance sheet
- 12 Subsequent events
- Statutory Auditor`s Report on the Financial Statements of Tecan Group Ltd.
- Global
The Company sold its investment Andrew Alliance SA in January 2020 for a cash consideration of CHF 4.6 million. The resulting gain was recognized in the income statement of 2020. In addition, an amount of CHF 0.2 million was paid into an escrow account to secure contractual representations and warranties. This amount was released in July 2021.
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