- The Stories
- Investor Relations
- Corporate Governance
- Financial Report 2022
- Chief financial officer’s report
- Five-year consolidated data
- Consolidated financial statements
- Notes to the consolidated financial statements
- 1 Reporting entity
- 2 Summary of significant accounting policies
- 3 Scope of consolidation
- 4 Sales – Revenue from contracts with customers
- 5 Sales – Income from operating lease arrangements (group as lessor)
- 6 Segment information
- 7 Operating expenses by nature
- 8 Research and development
- 9 Other operating result
- 10 Financial result
- 11 Earnings per share
- 12 Employee benefits
- 13 Income taxes
- 14 Cash and cash equivalents
- 15 Other current financial assets
- 16 Trade accounts receivable
- 17 Inventories
- 18 Non-current financial assets
- 19 Property, plant and equipment
- 20 Right-of-use assets (group as lessee)
- 21 Intangible assets and goodwill
- 22 Financial liabilities
- 23 Contract liabilities
- 24 Government grants
- Statutory Auditor´s Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements
- Balance sheet of Tecan Group Ltd.
- Income statement of Tecan Group Ltd.
- Notes to the financial statements of Tecan Group Ltd.
- 1 Reporting entity
- 2 Summary of significant accounting policies
- 3 Investments in subsidiaries
- 4 Bond
- 5 Provision for general business risks
- 6 Shareholders’ equity
- 7 Gain on sale of financial investments
- 8 Number of employees
- 9 Number of shares and share options
- 10 Guarantees in favor of third parties
- 11 Liabilities from lease arrangements not included in the balance sheet
- 12 Subsequent events
- Statutory Auditor`s Report on the Financial Statements of Tecan Group Ltd.
- Global
8 Number of employees
| 31.12.2021 | 31.12.2022 |
FTE (full-time equivalent) |
Employees – average | 1.0 | 1.0 |
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